Rope Braid Hack

If you’re like me, you’re a sucker for any tip or trick to make getting ready quicker in the morning. Enter: the rope braid hack!! I first saw this hack on Tiktok where it seemed like every creator found out about it at once.

What you need:

  • 1-2 hair elastics

  • hair brush

How to:

  1. You can choose to do this rope braid with, or without a ponytail. I chose to secure my hair into an elastic so that it would last longer. This hack works with any rope braid, I chose to do a side braid solely so you could see it on the video.

  2. Separate your hair into two equal sections. Twist both in the same direction.

  3. Without releasing, secure the pieces together in an elastic. Release! Does it get more simple than that?!

Hot tip: This also works with more than two sections! Try out twisting several pieces at once for a more unique braid.